Friday, February 17, 2023

Tell Me a Story Swap Flimsy

Photo overload.
Just scroll down.
I am posting this to save and remember this great block swap.

I signed up for two swap groups.
I made the cat blocks quickly.
The general blocks took more time.
I made four different blocks for each swap.

Then I tried different settings.

It dawned on me that using only the swap blocks would make a small quilt.

All the blocks above are the ones I made to swap.

My plan to alternate the story blocks with setting blocks led to the X blocks.
I used 4 neutrals and a blue print from my stash.

The next few photos are layout mock-ups.

There was a cute dog fabric at the local shop.
I made 5 puppy blocks and one bunny block.

Swap blocks started coming.

It is interesting that I had not seen any of the focus fabrics in the swap blocks.

As the blocks came I sewed up the rows.
I put one of my blocks in most rows.

The finished flimsy uses the neutrals as the border with 4 of my blocks as the corners.

Next step to make the sandwich, baste, and quilt.

Hoping for a quilt finish next week.



  1. I love your quilt! What a fun idea! I really enjoyed seeing all the different fabrics. Elizabeth in Wyoming

  2. What a fun project. The flimsy looks great.

  3. Love this quilt! What a beautiful swap quilt.
