Tuesday, February 21, 2023

SAHRR Square in a square blocks

This week's SAHRR block is square in a square.
I made a test block with a fussy cut teacup to see how small I could make the block.

The finished four I'm going to use are 3 inches and will finish at 2.5 inches.
They will be the corner blocks on the final round.
Lots of others have made combination rows with blocks from more than one week.

I intend my finished SAHRR quilt to be a small wall hanging.
So, come back next week for the finish.

Yesterday Miss Ava came over to sew.
She wanted to make PJ's for her penguin stuffed animal.

She was so excited to run the sewing machine by herself.

Penguin has short legs so the pants are small.
Decorations by a budding kindergarten reader.
She asked how to spell 'penguin' then sounded out 'super'.
Literacy milestones.



  1. Love the little teacup blocks! Even more, I love the pjs for a penguin. My grand daughter is also in kindergarten and I'm fascinated by her literacy gains. She has made so much progress since school started in September!

    1. Early literacy is really amazing. Thanks for commenting. Janice

  2. Hi Janice! Oh, those pjs are just adorable. How sweet is that?!! Miss Ava did a fabulous job! I hope you can share a picture of her penguin wearing his jammies. And, your square in a square tea cups are equally adorable. They'll be the perfect cornerstones for the last and final round. I can't wait to see your finished piece. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Ooohh I like this round of blocks. Looking forward to seeing the wall hanging...xox

  4. The teacups make great centers for the square-in-a-square blocks!

  5. These teacup blocks are so cute!!! They will make great corner blocks. Fabulous fussy cutting! I'm very impressed with the penguin pajamas, too! :)

  6. I love these teacup square-in-a-square units. So much fun!

  7. Well done, Miss Ava, on those Penguin PJ's (and your Teacup Square in a Square blocks are darling, too!!)

  8. Those tea cup blocks are so cute! And of course penguin needs pajamas!
