Sunday, January 15, 2023

Tell me a story block swap

I impulsively joined the Tell me a story block swap.
I made 'cat' blocks using Amy Friend's book Intentional Piecing.

Since I am new to paper piecing, I started working on the blocks as soon as the book came.

The instructions are to make two blocks for each person in the team.
The colorful cats were so cute I couldn't choose which two to use.
I made four different blocks and sent two different ones to each team member.
I made several extra for myself.

When the email came with the list of my team I was surprised to find out I signed up to be on TWO teams.
The second team is a general group. 
I looked through my scraps and found four fabrics to use for the centers.

After counting up the blocks I was swapping I realized that I could make a good size quilt.
I tried out different ways to space the story blocks.

One option was a plain block.

Below are my general story blocks.
Children playing surrounded by books.
Frogs splashing in water on a hot summer day.
Bunny and birdy ready for fun on a pink spring day.
Girls playing on a green grass playground.

Another idea for spacing blocks.
I drew this out in my quilt journal.
I like the lattice look of the X blocks.

Another view.

More test layouts.
I received my first swap blocks - the cowgirl is one.

My finished general swap blocks.

The other swap block is the paper boat below.

Ready to mail.

One last look at the layout.
I will have 54 Tell me a story blocks and 49 X blocks.
Look for more photos when the swap blocks arrive.

A little side trip.
Mr. M and I visited the Dixon Gallery and Gardens recently.
Doris Lee was the featured artist.
She designed the fabric below. I wish it was still in print.

One of her designs was printed on silk scarves.

Little miss Ava is coming over tomorrow afternoon. Can't wait to see what crafty things we make.

Have a good week.



  1. I really like the layout with the cross blocks.

  2. Me, too. My order came today for more of the blue fabric. Now I can finish the X blocks. Janice
