Sunday, April 19, 2020

Small finishes and contemplating new projects

This week I finished a snuggly blanket with a minky type fabric with forest animals and fake fur on the reverse and as binding. It will be so soft to snuggle under but it was a mess to cut.

I also made the matching soft book.
Below is  a view of the book and furry backing.

Another photo of the blanket with the critter side showing.
Technically this isn't a quilt because there is no batting or quilting.
The only sewing on it is around the edge for the binding.

I'm thinking of venturing into sashiko. I have a book, thread, fabrics, and a couple of kits. Sure I bought hand sewing needles but haven't found them.

Finally finished my basket weave knitting sample.
I am trying to learn continental knitting and I can see progress from the start to the finish of this.
I used leftover yarn and ran out two rows short.
That's okay. Below is one side.

Here is a close up of the beginning edge.
The directions called for 'garter' stitch but I mistakenly used 'stockenette'.

Here is the top edge. Short two rows but knitted correctly in 'garter' stitch.

Here is the other side. I like the color pattern from the variegated yarn.
I'm going to keep practicing. Same pattern, hopefully better consistency.

I'm ignoring all the other things I need to do and just doing what I feel like doing.
How are you making it?

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