Friday, January 4, 2019

Welcome to 2019

What will 2019 bring? I am not really a planner, so my list of sewing may not be done this year. I have downloaded all the instructions for Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt but haven't started it yet. I wanted to see the finish before I cut any fabric. I think I will make a smaller size. We'll see.

I have made up my mind to retire from teaching at the end of this school year. I have enjoyed it but now I want time to be on my own schedule. 

Mr. M and I visited the grandsons in New York for the new year. We hope to do more traveling. He really enjoys being retired. I want to explore my interests and find the right activities for me.

So my list of possible sewing this year, some continued from last year, is as follows:

1. Good Fortune quilt

2. Another Elegant Tee Shirt for me (fabric on left)

3. Knit dress for Ava (fabric on right)

4. Princess carry along for Ava

5. Explore wool applique

6. Work on Calendar Girls blocks

7. Finish the 2018 Color Challenge quilt

That's enough of a list. 
Now to get over the stomach bug that came home with me from NYC.

Happy New Year! 


  1. You've got a nice variety of quilts planned for 2019 - something to suit every mood. Retiring sounds like a good idea to me! Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

  2. Thanks, Wendy. I love reading your blog and seeing your projects.
