Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Detour into costume construction

A few weeks ago our grandsons went to a Renaissance Faire.
They loved the costumes so our daughter asked me to make some tunics like the ones below.

After getting their measurements and finding out which costumes to make
I started figuring out how much fabric was needed and how to replicate the style.
I didn't have a pattern.

The red one was the trickiest to construct.
Above the front piece is waiting for the back to be added.

It took eleven yards of black tape to outline this tunic.

I made a simple belt with D rings and cotton braid.

This blue and black tunic was very easy to make.
But I ran out of gold trim and there was no more at Joanns.
Fortunately Michaels had something similar.

I made another D ring belt using blue and black fabric.

The costumes have been mailed to Liam and David.
They are going to the Ren Faire again this Saturday.
Hope they have a great time.

Yesterday was my birthday and sweet sister-in-law sent me this Quilty greeting. 

Miss Ava, our granddaughter, brought me flowers.
It was a great birthday!

Happy Sewing.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Revised & finished floor quilt

I didn't like the way the pumpkin looked so I picked out the interior black lines.
I printed a photo of the pumpkin and sketched in new lines.
Below is the new look.

Here is the original.
Good thing I bought more of the black upholstery thread.

Quilted and bound.
Ready to greet visitors.

Label done!

Next up a little costume sewing.
Pirate eye patches for the birthday boy.
Crusader tunic for David for Halloween.

Happy Sewing!


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Designing an Autumn Floor Quilt

We have enjoyed having a floor quilt at our front door.
I bought 3 kits and took a class at The Sewing House with the designer of the kits.
The floor quilts work well with the seasons: winter, spring, & summer.

I needed to make one for autumn.

I wanted a sunflower, pumpkin, crow and cornstalk.

I looked at online quilt designs and open source line drawings.

I realized cornstalks have a tasseled top.

The crow needed a place to perch.

On the pumpkin or ground?

I liked the cornstalk in the middle.

The pumpkin needed a leaf.

I appliquéd the stems down first.
All the pieces except the stems have double sided fusible.

The stitching holds the stems in place.

Next I outlined the leaves and flower.

I was very pleased with the leaves on the corn.
I fused triangles of green fabric, then cut the leaf shape.
The leftover fabric was perfect for the top tassel.

The crow is made from overlapping scraps.
I might add an eye (white or yellow).

All parts are stitched down.

I played thread chicken with the heavy top thread.

Barely made it!

Now I have to quilt and bind.

Happy Sewing!


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Delta Fair Ribbons

Today I volunteered at our quilt guild's table at the Delta Fair.
I took some hand quilting but mostly we sat and talked.
Of course I had to check on my entries, too.
I received three 3rd place ribbons and one 2nd place.

It is hard to get a good photo because the smaller pieces are layered in glass cases.

I was really surprised to get a ribbon on the mug rug above.

This one was hard to spot because I was looking for a long wall hanging and it was folded up on a shelf.

Super surprised to get a 2nd place on this one.
I wasn't sure it was really finished.

Game Night (top right) wasn't a winner but I'm glad I made it.

The competition was stiff in the category that included my paper pieced tea quilt.

I'm close to finishing another nap quilt for this boy.
He is too tall for the first one.
I'll share it soon.

Happy sewing!


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Secret Sewing Finished

I have been working on this mini for our guild quilt challenge.
It will also go to the exhibit at the Cotton Museum and the quilt show at Davies Manor.

I hand quilted in the sashing and stitched decorative embroidery/quilting around each bird.
I couldn't share it before the UTQG meeting last Tuesday.
Our mini quilts were displayed and everyone voted for their favorite.

In other crafting busyness -
I worked on these backpack tags for my grandsons in NYC.
I used my metal stamping supplies and bought some charms to add interest.

I have a list of other sewing but no photos yet.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Ornaments, bags, bingo, & color theory

The last few weeks my sewing has been a mix of small projects and detours.

I worked on ornaments for MAMQG's holiday tree at the Pink Palace.
We don't know if we will get to decorate a tree but we want to be ready.
I will show more in another post.

For two weeks I played quilt bingo with Mississippi Quilt Association's Facebook group.

I made a block for this charity quilt.

The detour was into bag making.
I enlarged the Alpen Bag but it didn't turn out the way I planned. 

It is a sturdy, boxy bag about the size of a shoe box.

It now contains all my threads and needles for Tinsel - still a work in progress.

I made a handle out of a bandana.
It works great and I like the look.

I'm working on a presentation on Color Theory for UTQG.
I want to make it very interactive for our guild members.

This morning I took these quilts and wall hangings to the Delta Fair.
They were entered in the craft section of the fair.

That's all for now.

Happy Sewing!


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Finished top & 4 year old's birthday present

The original Indiglow pattern finished at 54" square.

I added a row of checkerboard blocks on the top and bottom.

Somehow I cut too many blocks from one fabric 
so I used them and other scraps to make the extra rows.
Now it measures 54" X 65"
I pieced a back and hope to get the quilt basted this week. 
I plan to hand quilt it.

Our youngest grandson will be 4 soon.
I bought this cute campfire softee panel.
He loves to play pretend and has a tent for indoor camping.

Now he will be ready to make S'mores and cook a hot dog and fish over the fire. 

To help with clean up I made a drawstring bag that holds all the pieces.

Now the hardest part is waiting to show him.

Happy Sewing!